Initial RTO/CRICOS Registration

Almost 1 in 2 applications are rejected. With an approval rate of only 57%, an enormous effort and significant investment involved, you need the right help.

New RTO and CRICOS registration packages

We will work with you throughout the initial registration process. We have a quick turnaround and response times, thanks to our network. We will have the right people on the job for you in no time and get that application submitted correctly and quickly.

We provide you with support as and when you need it. Whether you are someone who is experienced in the sector and wants to prepare the application on your own but need guidance and review to ensure everything is in order or a new entrant to the industry and want us to do the heavy lifting for you and coach you to hit the ground running upon registration, we have the right package for you. We do not use a one-size-fits-all policy and customise our packages according to your requirements.

With you we grow! Seeing our clients happy with the outcome of their audit and the services we provided is all the satisfaction we need.

 RTO Registration

 Deliver training to Domestic students

 ELICOS Registration

 Deliver English Language Intensive  Courses for Overseas Students

 CRICOS Registration

 Deliver training to International students

Learning and Assessment Materials Ready to GO, Development on-demand, validation & Contextualisation


Guide to Initial RTO / CRICOS Registration

Compliance Crew’s comprehensive guide to becoming an RTO provides you with information on the registration process, cost scenarios and requirements to become an RTO.

Compliance Crew’s Pre-set CRICOS Registration Packages

The following packages are for CRICOS RTO registration with a scope limited to two (2) qualifications:


Option 1: BSB40520 + BSB50420
Option 2: BSB40120 + BSB50120

Community & Health Services

Option 1: CHC33015 + CHC43015

Option 2: CHC33015 + CHC43115


CPP20218 + CPP31318

We help build agile and resilient RTOs for our clients with a fresh approach, less stress and more results. We do not want to push ideas and processes; we want to build the RTO of your dreams.

Anuraag (Anu)
Compliance Crew, Director

Pick a package that fits your needs

We can customise all our packages to meet your specific needs giving you a custom-made fit that will suit better.

Consult Basic

Expert Advice and Guidance
Training and consultation through entire RTO registration process
Complete set of RTO/CRICOS Policies and Procedures, Forms and Templates
Training and Assessment Material Validation up to 2 units per qualification
Application Preparation

Consult PRO

Everything in Consult Basic +
Complete set of RTO/CRICOS Policies and Procedures, Forms and Templates – Fully Customised
Delivery Planning and development of Training and Assessment Strategies
Training and Assessment Material Validation for all units requested at audit
Support with completion of Trainer files including Trainer Matrix

Guidance on Industry Engagement Strategies

Support with completion of FVRA and Business Plan
Application Preparation and Submission
Audit Participation

All-Out Package

Consult Basic + Consult Pro + All out package
Assistance with finding a suitable training facility or obtaining 9B (where required)
RTO Website and Marketing Material
Training and Assessment Material Validation for a full qualification (max 12 units)
Liaising with the accountant for completion of FVRA
Development of Business Plan
Procuring and Training for LMS and SMS
Conducting Industry Engagement
Trainer Matrix and Trainer Files
Business Card Design
Audit Preparation
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Guide to Initial RTO / CRICOS Registration

Get AVC’s comprehensive guide to becoming an RTO that provides you with information on the registration process, cost scenarios and requirements to become an RTO.

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